There is much conflicting advice out there when you start with coding. Should I copy code I find on the internet? How do I learn when I copy code constantly?
There is much conflicting advice out there when you start with coding. Should I copy code I find on the internet? How do I learn when I copy code constantly?
When do I need to pass a function to a useState setter function? I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find any proper explanation. Especially when to use one form over another.
You wait for an ebb in the discussion before speaking. However, I am still constantly interjecting myself at the wrong time, unintentionally talking over your colleagues?
You know the situation every day you have meetings, but they are aligned so awkwardly that it leaves your day all fragmented and giving you no chance to get into coding flow.
You know the situation every day you have meetings, but they are aligned so awkwardly that it leaves your day all fragmented and giving you no chance to get into coding flow.